STRESS. The word alone conjures up thoughts of worries, fears, and anxieties. As defined by the American Psychological Association, stress is a normal reaction to everyday pressures, but can become unhealthy when it upsets your day-to-day functioning. Unfortunately, without the right coping mechanisms, it can become debilitating to some.  According

$17.4 Million…that is the COVID-19 relief funds that Chatham County Schools’ (CCS) received from the Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund. This funding will be used over the next few years. Chatham County Schools’ values the stakeholders’ input and offered a few ways for them to participate in

The Chatham Education Foundation greatly respects the essential role played by all who serve as educators and caregivers for our community’s children. Not only do they contribute to the growth and development of their charges, they also are vital to the health and well-being of families and the business community.  

Dear Future Parents of Chatham Grove Elementary School, I was excited to be named Principal of Chatham Grove Elementary School and began officially on January 6th after being named by our Chatham County School Board on December 9th, 2019. As I continue to prepare for our August opening, I wanted