The Chatham Education Foundation is working to improve literacy in Chatham County and access to literacy resources through a number of programs.
Books on Break – The Chatham Education Foundation (CEF), in partnership with the Chatham County Schools (CCS) has started a new program called Books on Break. With a tremendous amount of support and a seed grant of books from Book Harvest, CEF and CCS strive to get books into the hands of economically disadvantaged students for the summer months. This year we donated over 3,400 books to students in need!
Reading for Success – Through community support and a grant from the Oak Foundation, CEF supported 250 students in grades K-3 with access to books for the summer, teacher training and classroom materials. This year we donated 2,000 books to students in need.
Teacher Literacy Professional Development Grants – Research has proven time and time again that effective teachers produce successful students. It is for this reason that CEF believes that providing opportunities to our teachers to grow and continue their learning is imperative. CEF offers teachers professional development that relates to literacy. Grants are offered each fall.